As I
sit at my desk sipping hot tea and reading my bible, I’m overcome with the love
of my heavenly Father. As I look back at today I realize that God was showing
me over and over again how unquenchable His love is for me. No, nothing out of
the ordinary happened today but songs I listened to and things I read kept
bringing out the fact that I can’t even understand how much God loves me! Over
the years things have been said and been done to me that have opened the door
for Satan’s lies to freely flow into my heart and mind. Why is it so much
harder to listen to God’s voice of truth than to listen to Satan’s voice of
deception? Girls, did you know you are
absolutely beautiful? Did you know you are perfect in every way? Did you know
that one man loved you enough to die for you? Did you know that one man thinks constantly
about you? Doesn’t this make your heart skip a beat? I know it sure makes mine
skip beats! So often we as girls think that we are anything but perfect. We get
so caught up in the images of the world that we forget about who God wants us
to be! If we aren’t dating we think that we are unlovable. Why is it so hard to
grasp the concept that God loved you and me so much that He died for us? For
most of my life I have thought of myself as that one girl who is missing beauty
and perfection. I honestly didn’t think God loved me that much. Seriously if
God loves me like everyone says He does than why am I constantly fighting
battles and going through hard times? Why do I face weekends alone? These are
deceptive thoughts that I face over and over! These thoughts have had me in
such a low place that evenings when I went to bed all I would do is ask God
what I did and cry myself to sleep. It’s just within the past couple months
that I have begun to be content with where God has me. I have started to see
the love He has for me. Seriously the last couple weeks I have realized that
God’s love for me is so amazing that it absolutely blows my mind and has me
smiling and crying all at the same time. Today as I was listening to MercyMe’s
song “Beautiful”, I couldn’t help but raise my arms in praise and thanksgiving!
Girls, each one of you are beautiful! Each one of you are loved in a way that
you cannot even begin to image! There is a Man who is desperately trying to
pursue you. Please don’t wait as long as I did to let Him catch you and
enthrall you with His abundant everlasting love! Girls, we should have as much
respect for ourselves as our Maker has for us! Put the magazines down. Shut off
the TV. Open your bible and fall in love with the One who thinks of you
constantly. The more time we spend with God, the more we become who He has
called us to be! Look at your body as perfection.
Don’t hate yourself because your body isn’t the way you want it to be. He made
you perfectly in His image. His love cannot be overcome! You are
treasured. You are sacred. You are His. You are beautiful.
Psalm 139:14 : “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psalm 139:17-18 : “ How precious also are thy thoughts unto
me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more
in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.