With the New
Year here, my mind has been filled with thoughts about where I want to be in
life next year at this time and the person I want to be. Lately I have been
struggling with being content with where God has me in life. Since I’m in
college I can’t just pack my clothes and decide to go away. I can’t say yes, I
will commit to serving the Lord over in that country. Since I’m in college I
have to say yes, Lord, I will serve you right where I am at. But so often for
me that doesn't seem like enough! I often find myself longing to be that person
that is going on the mission fields or putting their time into a ministry at
home. But since the New Year and thinking about the person I am and the person
I want to be I have discovered that I need to learn to be content with where
God has me in my life right now.
So let’s address
the word contentment. The definition of contentment is, “a state of happiness
and satisfaction”. When we are constantly thinking about the things we don’t
have, the person we can’t be, the friends we don’t have, we become very unhappy
and very unsatisfied people.
So what does
contentment mean for a Christian? Philippians 4:11 talks about being content in
whatever situation you are in. In Philippians, Paul knew how to be content. His
secret was to draw strength from the Lord. When there isn't enough money, rely
on God’s promise to supply all your needs. When you feel alone and you long for
that one person, draw your strength from the Lord and trust Him that He knows
what is best for you. When you want things to be different in your life and you
wish you could be like that woman or man across the room that is obviously
making a difference in the lives of many, trust God that right now you are
where He wants you. I believe that once I become content with where God has me
in life that I will become a happier person and I believe that my relationship
with the Lord will blossom. The closer I am to the Lord the easier it will be
to be content with every situation in life.
So that said, my
word for 2015 is contentment. I want to face each day with contentment and when
I long for more I want to come into the habit of stopping and asking God to
remove that desire to replace it with contentment.
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned that
whatsoever state I am, therwith to be content.” Philippians 4:11