Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I shivered as the cold crushed its way against my bones. "What am I doing here?" "Why am I alone?" I open my eyes expecting to see walls all around but instead when I pushed open my eyes I saw color. I saw people. I was standing in a circle with people my age. The room wasn't dark at all. In fact it wasn't a room. I was outside experiencing a scenery that normally brought smiles to the faces of people. Yet, here I was at this place that brought friends together with smiles but I felt alone. How could I feel alone with so many people around me. People that were my friends. Then it hit me. I didn't belong here. I wasn't excepted here. Where do I belong? Where am I wanted? I felt eyes upon me. I looked around until I found those eyes of love. He wanted me! I ran towards Him, pushing people aside and forgetting about whatever was keeping me from Him. All I wanted was Him. I was tired of feeling alone in a crowd of people. As I finally reached Him, He wrapped His arms around me and looked into my big eyes of dismay and said, " Daughter, do not fear. You are not alone for I ,your God, am with you." As He said those words tears of hurt and rejection ran down my flushed cheeks. He squeezed me against Himself and then He cried with me. Through my sobbing I asked Him why I had to feel alone all the time. He would just holder me closer and cry even harder. When the tears had subsided, He knelt down and wiped the moisture from my cheeks. He looked me in the eyes and said, " Sami, always remember that you are never alone. I am always right beside you! One day this feeling will go away.  But for right now I just need you to feel wanted by me. I want you to want me! Once you truly want me, the things people say won't bother you. The feeling of being lonely won't bother you because you will have me. And I will be all you care about. So Sami, want me with all you have and the rest will fall into place." When I opened my eyes I was in a big, dark, cold room all by myself. But I felt warm and I didn't feel alone. Through the darkness a gentle voice came. "Sami, you wanted me!"

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