Friday, November 30, 2012

If We Are The Body

"Its crowded in worship today, but she slips in trying to fade into the faces. The girl's teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know.... A stranger is far away from home and sheds his coat and quietly slips into the back row. The weight of their judgmental glances tells him that his chances are better out on the road." Today these lines in Casting Crowns' song, "If We are the Body" have really struck me. How many times have I seen someone try to fade into the faces and I just stood there and watched and didn't go make them feel like they are someone? How many times has my teasing voice carried farther than I realized? How many times has your teasing laughter carried farther than you realized? The song goes on to say that if we are the body than why aren't his arms reaching? Why aren't his hands healing? Why aren't his words teaching? Why aren't his feet going? Why is his love not showing them there is a way? How many times have I hindered God's body from reaching someone? I am suppose to show people that everyone is loved by God instead of showing them that only if you have a good past, only if you look and dress a certain way can you receive the love of Christ. The song goes on the say that Jesus paid too high a price for us to pick and choose who should go. If we are the body we need to reach out to others. We need to go make that stranger feel he is welcome and allow him to feel the love of God. I am sure that we wouldn't want to be the person that feels odd and unwelcome. I am sure we have all at some point felt that and I am sure that we didn't like the feeling. Since we didn't like the feeling, do you think others like that feeling? No one like to feel unwelcome and left out so lets put an effort forth to welcome everyone no matter how they look and no matter what their pasts holds. God welcomes everyone and since we are his hands and feet then we need to welcome everyone too. That stranger may have never heard the love of Christ and you may be his only chance. Lets be the hands and feet of Jesus and show the love of God. Lets stop judging and allow people to have a chance. Guys judging people does not define who they are it defines who we are. " Do not judge. You don't know what storm I have asked her to walk through!"  -God  Lets be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

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